Grammy Museum – New Record Press Event 2014
Sitting here in the car on the way to the airport again with Eric and Sammy and Eric says, “Where the hell did August go?” Well ok, where the hell did the spring go? Oh yea, right. I was in my grocery store last night and school supplies aisle is overloaded with stuff and decorations and candies are announcing the soon to be arriving Halloween. I’m running so fast my ankles are smokin’…oops, did I say that already!
Last night was a fantastic press event at the Grammy Museum in LA for the George Duke Celebration CD, “My Old Friend”. There’s no question that this event announced the beginning of a real serious promo adventure. I’ll be talking to any and every body that’s got a printing press or mimeograph machine about this new record. But we have indeed come to this moment because of some concentrated and intense efforts in the studio everyday except Sunday for four months. Labor of love??? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to sneak away and sheepishly say, “Yo, George, excuse me, I ain’t supposed to be having this much fun with you gone!” Dear dear George, I am rediscovering me through redoing and revisiting those genres and grooves that we both shared and loved.
The Grammy Foundation invited us to make our release party coincide with one of their “Grammy artist meets the people” events. Scott Goldman sat with me and asked questions about the new tribute CD and my career. Then I and the band and Josie James, the original band lead vocalist funkster, sang some George Duke songs from the new album and celebrated this continuing story of heart-healthy happy healing music.
I think we’re all taking a deep breath and exhaling that we’re up the road this far and on the charts already. Hi Alisse! Thank you for coming and for your hard work as part of our promotional publicist group. Congrats! You really found the right work for your personality and spirit. I smile when you walk in.
Yo, John Burke, Mary Hogan (I’m glad I know ya), Chris Dunn, and the entire concord family, I’m loving it!
See y’all in Philadelphia! Hi to Laguna Beach and Temecula. Coming soon!
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